Portfolio Criteria
Use the following criteria to develop your portfolio. This same criteria will be used when providing feedback.
Name and relevant links
- Includes name, email address (not hotmail, yahoo, aol, or school), and link to LinkedIn page.
- Includes a button to download a CV or resume, where applicable.
About Section and Skills
- Minimum of 5 digital marketing skills or technologies.
- Includes a clear and concise description of your value and skill set as a digital marketer.
Project Overview
- Includes at least 2 projects.
- Ensure projects are separate entries or pages within your chosen platform (Blog, website, etc.).
- Include both individual projects/homework assignments and group projects.
Individual Project Details
- For each project, include your role in the project.
- For each project, include a link to the live version of the project (if applicable).
- Short description of the problem being solved.
- List of the concepts and technologies used in the analysis and solution.
- Make sure projects demonstrate proficiency in the specific roles sought OR show a diverse skill
- set.
Clean and Simple Design
- Consistent and professional font style and colors. Color scheme should be simplistic and easy
- on the eyes.
- Consistent use of bold, italic, and underline; same bullet point style for all lists.
- Legible storytelling with designed content sections and process descriptions.
- Easy to read and professional tone. No jargon, slang, or superlative adjectives like “great,” “good,” or “awesome.”
- Clear thumbnails or screenshots from each project in a PNG format.
Correct Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
- Consistent punctuation throughout.
- No grammar or spelling errors.
- Abbreviations or acronyms are not used unless necessary.