Employer-Ready Criteria for UX/UI Career Switchers

Resume Criteria



Include name, phone number, professional email address , city and state or region, and written out  hyperlinks to LinkedIn and Portfolio.


  • Title of role pursuing (do not identify as a student).
  • Background experience that connects to the role you are pursuing.
  • Avoid pronouns.
  • 2-3 transferable skills (ex. adaptable; time management; communication; innovative; collaborative; conflict resolution).
  • Years of related experience (keep below 10 years).
  • Accomplishments, recognitions, and/or awards. 
  • Training or certifications


  • Include skills / concepts / methodologies (etc.) acquired in the program.
  • Ensure programming languages and technologies conform to standard spelling and style for the industry.


  • Include up to three of your strongest projects 
  • Include a brief description for each project (1-2 lines) 
  • Include skills / concepts / methodologies (etc.) used
  • Include written links to both deployed projects and code.


  • Clearly laid out with accomplishments highlighted rather than job duties.
  • Experience listed in reverse chronological order, with job title, job description, company name, city and state or province, and dates of employment. 
  • Start every bullet with an action verb; don’t use the same verb more than once.
  • Pull out transferable skills from previous roles that will speak to your target role (e.g. attention to detail, thrives under pressure, etc.).


  • List education below Experience.
  • Listed in reverse chronological order 
  • Include city and state
  • Include title (ex. certificate, bachelor’s, master’s, etc.) 
  • Include the current program as the most recent item in education and ensure it is listed as a certificate.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

  • Include standard heading titles (Education, Projects, Technical Skills, Summary, Experience).
  • Spell out acronyms and abbreviations (abbreviated months are acceptable).
  • Use bullets instead of asterisks. 
  • Avoid images, icons, or photographs.
  • Avoid colored text.
  • Avoid columns, tables, text boxes, and graphs.
  • Do not write in the header or footer of the document. 
  • Use keywords that match the job description and align with required skills needed for each specific role.

Design and Format


  • No template language or blank areas.
  • Design does not get in the way of necessary text/content.
  • Text fills the page without overcrowding.
  • Balanced margins, between 0.5” – 1.”
  • No more than one page if new to the field, two pages if have relevant experience.
  • Name and headlines stand out.
  • Few (or no) hanging lines (where just a few words take up an entire line).


  • Font size of 11 or 12.
  • Consistent and professional font style. It’s okay to use different fonts for the headings and body. Professional font styles include: Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Georgia, Helvetica, Times New Roman.
  • Consistent use of bold, italic, and underline; same bullet point style for all lists.


  • Consistent punctuation throughout.
  • No grammar errors; no spelling errors.
  • No personal pronouns (I, we, he, or she).
  • Abbreviations or acronyms are not used unless necessary.

Portfolio Criteria


  • Includes name, email address (not hotmail, yahoo, aol, or school), and link to LinkedIn page.
  • Includes a button or link to a PDF of your resume or CV.

About Section and Skills

  • Minimum of 5 skills or technologies listed as proficiencies.
  • Clear and concise description of your passion for design.
  • Visualizes design skills over a long list of keywords.

Professional Presentation

  • Demonstrates experience in and passion for the role you are currently pursuing.
  • Quantifies your work with accomplishments, not duties.
  • Includes no more than 3-5 lines.
  • Written in the 3rd person without personal pronouns.

Simple Navigation Structure

Portfolio contains no more than 3-5 primary sections:

  • Homepage (case studies, work highlights, etc).
  • About you (skills, passions, personal background).
  • Portfolio works (list of projects and case studies).
  • Services (overview of UX/UI/FE skills).
  • Contact (email, social media, etc).

Case Studies

  • Includes at least three case studies 
  • Case study includes: 
    • Design and development process and the UX methodologies used to solve the problem.
    • Low fidelity designs (sketches, post-it notes, wireframes) and how those became high fidelity prototypes, ui, or system visualizations.
    • Your role and what problem the project helped solve.
    • The time it took to complete the project.
  • May include external links to outside portfolio platforms like Behance or a website.
  • Includes links to prototypes where applicable.

Design and Format


  • Web design does not overshadow content.
  • Clear use of grids and responsive web design best practices
  • Name and headlines stand out. 
  • No excessive use of animations

Consistency and Professionalism

  • Clear and clean use of typography and fonts.
  • Consistent and professional voice and tone.
  • Consistent use of bold, italic, and underline; same bullet point style for all lists.
  • Legible storytelling with designed content sections and process descriptions.


  • Consistent punctuation throughout.
  • No grammar or spelling errors.
  • Abbreviations or acronyms are not used unless necessary.

Images, Video, and Audio

  • Clear thumbnails or screenshots from each project.
  • Images are appropriately sized with good quality and lighting.
  • Images are contextually appropriate with labels and captions. 
  • Videos are embedded. 
  • Video content is sized and timed appropriately. (Avoid long videos; The average recruiter spends 60-120 seconds per project.)
  • Videos have clear titles and contributors sourced. 
  • Use of sounds sparingly.
  • No music.

LinkedIn Profile Criteria

Compelling Introduction

  • Professional profile photo. 
  • Customized background image. 
  • Up-to-date contact information (email). 
  • Catchy headline that incorporates target role. 
  • Clear summary statement that speaks to experience, background, and professional qualifications.


  • Clearly laid out with accomplishments highlighted rather than job duties.
  • Experience listed in reverse chronological order, with job title, job description, company name, city and state or province, and dates of employment. 
  • Start every bullet with an action verb; don’t use the same verb more than once.
  • Pull out transferable skills from previous roles that will speak to your target role (e.g. attention to detail, thrives under pressure, etc.).


  • List education below Experience.
  • Listed in reverse chronological order 
  • Include city and state with 
  • Include title (ex. certificate, bachelor’s, master’s, etc.) 
  • Include the current program as the most recent item in education and ensure it is listed as a certificate.

Skills, Recommendations, Accomplishments, and Interests

  • These sections give a fuller picture of who you are.
  • At least 20 skills, both technical and transferable. 
  • At least 2-4 recommendations that attest to your skill set and work ethic. 
  • At least 2-3 projects highlighted with working links.
  • At least 20 interests displayed, with a mix of personal and professional interests.


  • All spelling is accurate with consistent punctuation. 
  • Tone consistent throughout. 
  • All links work.

Professional Brand Statement Criteria


Consists of 75-150 words.  Keep it focused and make every line count.

Targets Role

First line presents you in your desired role. Avoid identifying as a student (as you will use this after graduation). Ex: UI Designer, UX Engineer, Visual Designer.

Includes Education

Includes only relevant degrees, certifications, and/or trainings. Make sure you include the boot camp to demonstrate your technical training. Ex: Certificate in UX/UI from XYZ University.

Includes Skills and Strengths

Includes 3-5 relevant technical skills and professional strengths that align with a desired role.

  • If available, use the job description to determine the best skills to include.
  • Show how you have applied these skills and strengths in previous roles or projects.

Demonstrates Value

Showcases professional or academic achievements, accomplishments, successful projects, and recognitions. Hint: Aim for professional, but if you lack professional experience, pull from academics.

Includes Motivation/Aim

Determine what motivates you professionally. What end results do you hope to achieve in your role? 

Positions Yourself

Sell, don’t summarize! Connect how your past experience, skills, and/or training have prepared you for your desired role. This is where you can provide examples to support your claims. Hint: To demonstrate that you are a team player, give an example of working successfully in a team environment. Show outcomes of your work.


No spelling or grammatical errors. No slang. No redundant word choices. Varied sentence structure. 

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