A Competitive Data Analysis LinkedIn Sample

“Instead of using LinkedIn as a passive billboard, you can use the platform to build connections with other professionals in your niche.” – Forbes.com A LinkedIn profile is an important professional material. All students should have a LinkedIn profile to be competitive in the job market. This profile can be used as a more complete record…

Related Industries: Data

GitHub Guide: Data Analysis

Visit an industry-backed data GitHub profile: GitHub Profile Sample Use the following criteria to develop your GitHub profile. The same criteria will be used when providing feedback. GitHub Profile Criteria Professional Profile A personalized photo or image (something other than the default identicon).  Email or other contact info is listed.  A descriptive tagline, e.g. “Data…

Related Industries: Data
woman on couch working on a computer

A Competitive Data Analysis GitHub Sample

Learn how to build an employer-competitive Data Analysis GitHub profile. Recommendations are broken down by each section on your profile.

Related Industries: Data
An open laptop sits on a desk.
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