Standing out: The power of personal projects in a depersonalized job market

In today’s ever-shifting job market, the recruitment process continues to transform, becoming more digitized and, some argue, less personal than ever before. In this limiting landscape, personal projects serve as a powerful tool, offering a dynamic view into one’s capabilities, professional and personal interests, and personality.

Career Stories: Starting a Career in Digital Marketing

Miller Murray used his multidisciplinary background to carve a path for himself in the digital marketing industry. Listen along as he discusses his experiences as a career starter and tips for getting a job.

Related Industries: Marketing

Career Stories: How Ingrid Tafuro Owns Her Narrative

When Ingrid Tafuro took a nannying position, she had no idea just how far it could take her. Learn about her journey, work in search engine optimization (SEO), thoughts on transferable skills, and more.

Related Industries: Marketing
Laptop and coffee on desk with graphic frame.

Anthony Delgado: The Power of Upward Mobility

After graduating from a coding bootcamp, Anthony Delgado started participating in hackathons, pitching ideas for philanthropic coding projects, and more.

Related Industries: Data
An image shows Anthony Delgado giving a talk.

On the Hunt for a New Career

For Stepan Nelasov, going to a bootcamp gave him the opportunity to rebuild his career, rekindle his passion, and—perhaps most importantly—rediscover his resolve. 

Related Industries: Coding, Data
A close-up shows a man wearing a suit and tie.

How to Become a Strong Female Role Model

When Ashley Hurlburt started doing data entry for a massage therapist association, she realized it wasn’t so black and white.

Related Industries: Coding, Data
A portrait shows Ashley Hurlburt holding her daughter and smiling at the camera.
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