Building an Industry-Backed Portfolio
Use the following resources to develop your portfolio. The criteria listed below will also be used when your career team provides feedback on your portfolio.
Content Criteria
Name and relevant links:
- Includes name, email address, link to your GitHub profile, link to PDF of your resume/CV, and link to your LinkedIn.
- Demonstrates experience in and passion for the role you are currently pursuing.
No extraneous information:
- Minimum of 5 skills or technologies listed as proficiencies.
- No listing of % proficiency of skills or technologies.
List of projects:
- 3-5 projects are listed
- For each project, include a link to the live version of the project in addition to the sub-page of the project.
- Include both individual projects or homework assignments and group projects
- Make sure projects demonstrate proficiency in the specific roles sought OR show a diverse skill set.
Project Details:
- Short description of the problem being solved
- List of the concepts and technologies used in the applications.
- Link to GitHub repo.
- Link to deployed project.
- A sample guest account if authentication is necessary.
Project Repos:
- An up-to-date README file.
- Descriptions of specific parts of implementation.
- A git history without profanity.
Design and Format
Clean and Simple Design:
- No unnecessary photos
- Readable text and colors
- Grammar and spelling mistake-free
Project Screenshots:
- Clear thumbnails or screenshots from each project
Mobile-Friendly Layout:
- It doesn’t have to be entirely responsive, but make sure it doesn’t break on smaller screens.
Building a Competitive Github
Use the following resources to develop your GitHub. The criteria listed below will also be used when your career team provides feedback on your GitHub.
Note: The criteria is now 5 commits per project.
Select the link below to view a sample of a successful GitHub.
Visit an industry-backed web GitHub sample: Web Development GitHub Sample
Content Criteria
Professional Profile:
- A personalized photo or image (something other than the default identicon).
- Email or other contact info is listed.
- A descriptive tagline, e.g. “Front End Developer.”
Pinned Projects:
- 3-6 projects pinned on your profile.
Individual Projects:
- At least one full stack project.
- At least one project with a polished front-end.
Group Projects:
- Other group members’ contributions are visible in the commit history (i.e. don’t just copy all the code and push it to a new repo.).
- Your projects have meaningful commits in the history, making your participation in each project clear.
Project Focused READMEs:
- Each project contains a README file. Those that do not should be hidden.
- Clearly states the problem the app is trying to solve.
- Provides a high-level overview of how the app is organized.
- Provides start-to-finish instructions on how to run the app.
- Link to deployed version of the app.
- Screenshots of the app.
Commit Histories:
- At least 5 commits per project.
- Regular activity, including continued activity at least once per week after graduation.
- No profanity in commit history.
Code Readability:
- Linted code (i.e. used ESLint).
- Consisstent spacing and indentation.
- Valid HTML.
Code Organization:
- Modular Code wherever possible
- No syntax errors when running the app.