A Competitive FinTech GitHub Sample

The Basics

As with all professional documents, ensure that your GitHub profile has:

  • Accurate spelling and punctuation
  • Consistent tone throughout
  • Working links

Compelling Introductory Information

  • A photo or an image other than the default GitHub identicon (semi-professional to professional photo or an avatar preferred)
  • Email or other contact info is listed in profile
  • A descriptive tagline,
    e.g. “Financial analyst working primarily in Python”
A screenshot shows what a finalized introduction could look like.

Clean and Organized Repositories

  • Three to five pinned repositories with professional names 
  • The code is working and organized into an appropriate directory structure 
  • Each repository has a descriptive tagline
Popular repositories list

Code Readability and Standards

  • Variables are clear
  • There is correct white
    spacing indentation
  • Code is clean
A screenshot shows what a finished coding section might look like.

README.md Files

  • Each project contains a README file 
  • Those that do not should be unpinned 
  • Each project contains a summary of how the project is organized
  • If appropriate, each project contains screenshots of the data that you’ve collected and explanations as to why
    you’ve displayed it in this way
  • Link to a functional and deployed version
  • If necessary, each project contains technical details required to run the code
A screenshot shows what a finished README section might look like.


Each repository should have at least five commits.

A screenshot shows what a finished commits section might look like.

Commit Histories

  • Regular activity, including continued activity at least once per week after graduation
  • No profanity in commit history
  • Meaningful commit messages
A screenshot shows what a finished commit history section might look like.

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