A Competitive Library and Information Sciences LinkedIn Sample

“Instead of using LinkedIn as a passive billboard, you can use the platform to build connections with other professionals in your niche.”

– Forbes.com

A LinkedIn profile is an important professional material. All students should have a LinkedIn profile to be competitive in the job market. This profile can be used as a more complete record of skills and achievements than the resume; to network with other students; and for students to be visible to recruiters.

The Basics

As with all professional documents, ensure that your LinkedIn profile has:

  • Accurate spelling and punctuation
  • Consistent tone throughout
  • Working links

Compelling Introductory Information

  • Professional profile photo
  • Customized background image
  • Catchy headline that incorporates your target role.

In this screenshot of Lindsey DesRochers’ LinkedIn profile, we can see that her profile picture is zoomed in on her face, that her background shows a neutral illustration, and that her headline includes her industry and area of expertise.

A screenshot shows a finished LinkedIn header.

Contact Information

Ensure that all of your contact information is accurate and up-to-date. In addition, ensure that you list your professional email.

LinkedIn contact settings example

Summary Statement

A compelling summary statement is written in clear language, speaks to your experience and background, and demonstrates your professional qualifications.

Sample Summary Statement

A dedicated and high-energy librarian with a background in higher education libraries and research. Recently awarded an MLIS; I have deep insight into the needs of universities and their students. I am adept at developing training content for faculty, staff, students, and the general public, and thrive in an environment where I can help each library patron get the best from their resources.


This section should be listed in reverse chronological order.

Each entry should include the following:

  • Job title
  • Company name and location
  • Dates of employment

Your experience section should include your accomplishments, not just your job duties. Use results-driven bullets to highlight previous project management experience.

Sample Experience Section

Senior Academic Librarian

State University

Aug 2016 – Present

  • Provides reference and research support and works collaboratively with faculty to deliver course-integrated instruction
  • Delivers instruction and research assistance to students of all levels
  • Perform faculty and project research as assigned
  • Collaborates with university leadership to set annual budget
  • Assists with community outreach activities

Reference Librarian

Community College

Aug 2014 – Aug 2016

  • Provides assistance and research support for undergraduate students
  • Teaches classes in computer literacy for incoming students
  • Makes recommendations for acquisitions based on annual budget
  • Assist faculty, students, alumni, and public patrons in the library reference office
A screenshot shows a finished Experience section.


Like the Experience section, this should be listed in reverse chronological order. List completed programs as certificates.

Sample Education Section

A screenshot of a finished Education section.


Your skills section should include at least 20 skills and interests. The skills should be a mixture of technical and transferable, and the interests should be a mixture of personal and professional.

Sample Skills

Industry Knowledge

  • Cataloging
  • Data Storage
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Content Development
  • Special Collections Management
  • Budgeting
  • Teaching

Tools and Technologies

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Social Media
  • Microsoft Office
  • Slack
  • Database Management
  • Print Production

Interpersonal Skills

  • Conflict Management
  • Leadership
  • Team Building
  • Problem Solving

Other Skills

  • G-Suites
  • Confluence
  • Tech-savvy

Projects and Recommendations

Include at least 2-3 projects or features with working links. Also include at least 2-4 recommendations that attest to your skills and work ethic.

Sample Projects and Recommendations

Lindsey has included a project in her Features section, and a recommendation from a former fellow student and a former coworker.

Former Fellow Student

Lindsey is a natural leader and has a keen sense of detail. He and I worked together on various projects, where she showcased excellent analytical and communication skills. She is thorough, organized, and very reliable.

Former Coworker

If you were to ask any of the other members of our cohort who has helped them the most, they would all unanimously say Lindsey. She is always first in line to test her knowledge and solve problems. Lindsey is a natural leader, yet humble enough to join the ranks, pulling her fair share of heavy duties.

A screenshot shows a finished Recommendations section.

10 Effective Job Search Strategies

Transitioning careers is always a challenge, but thanks to a boot camp program, Charles Gedeon came out on top. Here are his top 10 tips for conducting an effective job search after a boot camp. 

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