Portfolio Guide: Product Management

Portfolio Criteria

Use the following criteria to develop your portfolio. This same criteria will be used when providing feedback.


  • Includes name, email address, and link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Demonstrates experience in, and passion for, the role you are pursuing.

No Extraneous Information

  • Minimum of 5 skills or tools listed as proficiencies.
  • No listing of % proficiency of skills or technologies.

List of Projects

  • 3-5 projects are listed.
  • For each project, a link to the specific live project, and a sub-page for the individual project are included.
  • Individual projects/homework assignments and group projects can be included.
  • Projects demonstrate specific proficiency in the jobs you are applying for OR show a diverse skill set – see your LAMP list from the enrichment activity for role descriptions.

Project Details – Each project includes:

  • Short description of the problem being solved.
  • List of the concepts and tools or software (if applicable) used in the analysis and solution.
  • Link to the project (if applicable).

Project Screenshots

  • Easy-to-understand thumbnails, screenshots, or artifacts from each project.

Why Industry Professionals Teach Our Boot Camps

To understand how 2U, Inc. and our university partners work hand-in-hand to combine the best of academia and industry in support of student success, one needs to look no further than the industry professionals we collaboratively hire to teach our boot camps.

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Three Veterans Successfully Step Beyond the Battlefield with a Short Course, Boot Camp, and MBA. We shine a spotlight on these inspiring veterans whose experiences in 2U, Inc. programs helped them chart the next successful step in their careers.

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