Career Navigation: Develop a Professional Network with the LAMP Method

The current landscape for job seekers is heavily populated, with hundreds of applicants often competing for the same position. By making use of methods like LAMP, job seekers are taking a step to find that light at the end of the tunnel through maintaining connections, leveraging past experiences, and chasing future goals.

Dear Graduate: You Have the Skills Employers Desperately Need

Systems-thinking is often heralded as a skill reserved for the sharpest and most seasoned leaders. But today’s youth understand how our laws, regulations, private sector decisions, and public policies have created reinforcing structures and norms that contribute to the persistence of racism as well as gender and wealth inequality. 

The UX/UI Industry: A Beginner’s Guide

In today’s digital era, a well-designed user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) make a website or an app more engaging, trustworthy, and accessible.

Related Industries: UX/UI Design
An infographic reads: The UX/UI Design Industry: Now's the time to enter this in-demand field. When it comes to designing websites, visuals are the attention grabbers, but it's the user experience that keeps visitors coming back.

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